Name and meaning of the name
The name of the group shall be “The ENERGIEA”
(An Energy Society of Central University of Jharkhand)
ENERGIEA is a Greek word. It was used first time by Aristotle to define the term energy. 

Article: II - Purpose
1. The purpose of this society is to promote Science and Technology by supporting learners’ enthusiasm.
2. THE ENERGIEA will create opportunities for students to plan and execute projects for nationwide activities with an aim to promote interdisciplinary cooperation for innovations.
3. To organise seminars/conferences and workshops on contemporary research and development works in the field of Energy.
4. Building strong communication with the industries and institution in the field of energy.
5. Correlating energy with other fields of Sciences and engineering like physics, chemistry, and nanotechnology in CUJ.

6. Organizing awareness programs for the conservation of energy and minimize energy consumption.
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